Wednesday 20 December 2017

New college, New work and New friends

Writing this post after almost at semester end. I had planned to write long back but from the time I reached Buffalo I was so busy that I couldn't get time to write. Forgot writing I didn't get time to read FFs which was one of my basic necessity apart from books. Sometimes after studying I just used to roam around fifth floor looking at books wondering if I would get time to read all of them. 

FFs and gym were my stress buster long back in India. But here due to hectic schedule and also due to location of gym which was very far I was reluctant to go. Initially I did used to go just on fridays to gym but later due to process class it was stopped. But I don't regret because I used to go to CDS .my stress buster.. Initially I had planned not to work, but due to Devika and Amey I had reluctantly applied to CDS with sole purpose of SSN. I had planned to somewhat work for a month to get SSN and then the resign. First day of work was so weird, I was asked to make Panini's.. every dish used to look to me same and their pronunciation was again was so funny what I used to ask both Bef (union member) and customers were not able to understand and what they used to say I had to do guess work. On Sundays I had prep work which as again new for was 6hrs shift ...was hoping to find good company so that I don't get bored. I was so bored that Sunday because I did not got time to interact with anyone it was hell busy schedule - following recipes ..we almost made 100+ panini that day..ohh gosh i was so tired that i was regretting my decision of working..I was motivating myself just 3 more weeks then I could quit... Next week at breadbox I was assigned to make a there were so many types of cheese, dressing, bread, veges it was too much on my brain to grasp all the alternate names...that day was tiring,.....I just knew wheat and white bread..but from Pistachios (as devika's fav word my dukan in Student Union) there were many pieces of bread such as gluten free, 9-grain, rye, etc. Six types of cheese I never knew  so many type existed to me all look to be same...Veges are also called different actually its simple for child bcse most are called pepper and its prefix is the color ...

I have a bad memory atleast in case of remembering directions, so with difficulty reached Ellicot to have food on 2nd Sunday. There I met Febin and Anish (Whom I Used to work with Sunday Prep) who at first didn't recognize me. In CDS even I feel I used to hide behind my cap, but it kind of gives me the freedom to talk to people freely. Because they are not going to judge me on my stupid questions. So anyway who meets me after CDS hardly recognize me. Febin and Anish became my good friends. Anish though he stopped coming to Sunday later, but whenever he used to come.. used to bring chocolates from freezer hiding from our manager James :P  Poor him he had to work with Anita(Chini cum American) and Ardina whose point of discussion was makeup and his head used to burst .. I think Anita had crush on Anish. Anita is another big discussion, whom all guys used to hate her. Febin, undergrad finance student, he is Indian by roots but born and brought up in NY. He was work freak but was one of the genuine people I met in CDS. On the last day, he even gave me meal coupon which he got a prize, I didn't use it though kept it as memory :) Anita and Febin always had cold war but both were undergrad, management, native is NY and most importantly were egoist so I have secret wish to see them together.. because they would be perfect for each other. And it would fun to watch them ..they are two opposite poles. One who almost has OCD and other is shortcut freak.

On the third Sunday, I met Maulik, he was different. He was not Sunday member but had came that Sunday. Initially on that day I didn't even notice him because I was engrossed to make the Paninis right. I don't know how we started talking at first place. I mean I don't usually socialize fast, it takes time for me to build conversation. We talked so much that day like some long lost friends. He was vegetarian so I was happy to have someone help me select vegetarian food among the available meal coupon. That time I had chaat like Mexican food which was my all time meal coupon order food for next semester. I loved mangoes, cilantro and lime combo on Mexican rice bowl. Later even Febin used to ask me to build one more rice bowl as it used to look yummy rice dish. Maulik was doing Masters in mechanical engineering but also doing 20 hours work in week. Sometimes even combining with TA work. I don't know how he used to manage it all. Though he was younger than me he used to treat me like a kid. I remember him always saying "Samay to sab ke pass hota hai bas nikalna padta hai". In my first semester I took seminar in health class. I used to crib a lot to him about presentation assignment. Because in every class, research paper or business case was given to us and we had to make presentation on case study and I used to hate that subject a lot. One day at lunch I cribbed about the same. His reply was "I know that you don't like the subject now. But now you have taken give ur best shot".  I don't know why my CDS friends used to hate him, some even told me to stay away from him. Of all the people, my sister is big fan of him though she haven't met him yet. Though I tell her he is most weird people I have met.

Overall I met lot of people, learned lot of things and hold plethora of memories.