Friday 17 January 2020

Life in India

I feel I am depressed in US sometimes many times might be not depressed but kind of lost road or clueless that if this is the right way. But sometimes we have to just walk and keep going and if we are lost we should retrace the right way. But don't know why I am still going to US back when my heart stays in India with my family.

This time I am in India for longer period though its affecting my office work but what I care right now is not my work but my sister's life. I mean she is physically fine but she is clueless in her life what to do next. Even I don't know what is right or wrong but what I could create options, lot of ways. But ultimately it would be her decision what path to choose. I don't want her to just say that do this do that. I want be with her every step until she is confident enough to survive on her own. Pursuing her to join some classes was very tough task but I am not someone who would easily give up. Somewhat I know I made her life too hectic but its fine I want her to do something and she would not ask parents for any help because they get too excited about anything. I think what she needs is motivation and someone who would say that everything will be ok and guide her along. I might be wrong but her to atleast take first step, she needs that push.

Today I bought Sheryl Sanburg's book from crossword and started reading random chapters. Plan is to read it in the flight. This time I am not doing any trip, plan is to save most of the money. I think I found the way to resolve my issue. One thing is sure I can't settle in US, I have to come back to India. My sister says I have become nostalgic because of staying for longer time. But now its the time to actually think why US? For ourselves and not for the sake of answering in Visa interview. Now I have to focus to create the path to return back to India while serving the purpose for which I actually went to US. I know its little ambitious but atleast I have to give it a shot.

As the days are coming near I am feeling sad I have to return back to work away from family. Today visited Shirdi via roadtrip. Though my dad had to drive all way, but we had fun. I am going to miss this, I know earlier I was obsessed with working in US but now I am not I want to come back because these days won't come back. These days with my sister, my parents. It makes me happy more than anything. Now it depends on how strong my wish is and how hard I am gonna try for it. I love travelling but I can't enjoy without my family or friends. I used to do solo trips infact last year I did lot of trips but travelling  alone won't create much stories.

<to be continued..>