Friday 18 October 2019

When u get ur license & car on the same day :D

I think I got the car which I was looking. The decision I took was spontaneous though. I mean I got new car within my budget and that too in red my fav color. Though I had some issues and was regretting for some time for getting that car because of some issues. But then I was thankful that I was in some problem so only I got good discount.

You just have to wait for the perfect right moment and everything falls into place. Key thing is don't rush but just don't wait for too long. If you like it just get it and if you don't it happens for a reason.

All software jobs are mundane there is nothing new we work to get paid not because we really love to work. I mean what I did in past year is fixing bugs and writing code of just few lines and I hate it. I mean that too of some nets, ports, switches, clock, resets which I don't even care. And I don't give a shit if I improve some message structure I mean I liked the work I did in my past office I got to work from scratch here they expect so much to work on and in interviews they ask about all new technology and what they give us shitty code of some 90s. Half of the time goes in finding why this is written in this way and should I really remove it and add another?   I need to move out of this country, because then I can work on things which I love. Here the problem lies in all visa and stuff.

My emotions are in whirlpool sometimes I am so high and sometimes I am low sometimes I am too happy and sometimes I am wreck. But that's the life. My mom is diagnosed with osteoporosis which is not so severe but I am scared and worried. Ideal thing is to move back to India but I am not dared enough to move back and start again new. My manager is pilling up too many things and now I am thinking never to give Zhengang to review the code. How come he takes out so many other test scenarios which takes so much of my time just to justify that the default behavior and I can't do anything to change it. Its the learning phase seriously? 

Today I gave my learners driving test & I got it perfectly right hmm little bit somewhat cautious  but passed my test in first go :) My driving life is perfectly set now I have to move to my professional life. Personal life especially my travel can wait for a bit.

Sunday 6 October 2019

Small small things matter

Today I didn't do something extra ordinary just asked my friend to come along for drive. I wanted to feel the thrill to drive on busy roads. I almost drove around for 2 hours on some unknown road with my rented car, then invited her to have Misal Pav (yummy na it was my lunch). Then watched Marathi movie based on cyber crime on my home screen projector. Talked on random topics. This is simple life which I really enjoy. First I was not sure if she would be willing to come but was surprised when she agreed. Then I came to know that people just return favors. When I was child I remember reading the story about one help can multiply I think its true. She told that her friends had helped her in initial days and she wanted to return that favor. My sister is right everyone in this world are gray shaded people. What I am really afraid of being alone in this vast world. My sister is what I need or some like-minded people surrounding me. I don't know what I will do without her, whole world at one side and my sister at other side.

I am still deciding at which car to buy Subaru, Volkwagen, Honda are my options. Toyota I am avoiding because my friend has the same car. Subaru is my first option because its all wheel drive and the perfect size of the car which I want not to small not too big. Honda Accord I find it to be big and civic is not so good it doesn't have enough features for its price. I want to buy Volkswagen but most of my friends say it needs heavy maintenance. And I had the small accident with Volkswagen so was not keen later due to the fear. My sister says that I will finally buy Subaru because that's what I have thought and still I will search all the cars and finally buy what I had decided at first.

I think every women should be independent. I love independent me a lot. My friend tells me to be on back to the earth. I am starting to dream now to drive all way to the California though I didn't drive on highway yet still dreaming high. Yesterday I thought I resolved one issue but Zhengang disagreed and told that this is not the right resolution.  My last night effort is wasted so now back to square work again on fixing things. Do one high priority and low priority issue. Now its kind of competition between two issue - low and high. Let me see which one gets resolved first. I don't know why I am much happy from the time have bought this tiny car. Might be giving the sense of control.

I hate the people who are too sweet seriously I will literally gets diabetes. And I want to live long atleast till I visit all the places in the world and have my family with me. I really love my parents they know what is best for me though they act sometimes weird but its fine. 

Friday 4 October 2019

Little happy Today

I am finally feeling so happy that I drove a rented car on proper streets without instructor to my current office though I had to tag my friend along because I can't drive looking at maps and roads simultaneously. Now I am little confident that I could drive to my new office in Burlington. Though the car is compact (FORD / FIES) its still fine. I know both my professional and personal life sucks. But at least one percent would improve by knowing how to drive. I could do lot of my solo trips being independent. Not that I am dependent on someone but just on public transport. Little more confidence is what I need.   I don't want to fail in my driving test. Its not that I am afraid to fail its just that I can't take chance. I need to get my new car and drive to new office and I don't have any option.

I think even professional life would improve because I could save 2 hours of my daily commute, can have breakfast, could go on trails to boost up my energy level, attend various workshops, I could  at least think of moving near Cambridge. This week I did pretty well in my office work though not view-able results but I am sure in next sprint I will have lot more to showcase. But still not happy with myself because I think I am not best and I am not self-satisfied. There are to many things to do and I end up doing nothing and on top of that the winter has started I m being too lazy to read and solve problems.