Wednesday 25 March 2020

Amid Pandemic

I am feeling like I am dreaming about the life similar to Bird's box movie but its actually happening. This year I had planned so much. From switching a job, to buying a house and at least seriously date someone if not marry. Sonaki and me even prioritized our goals for a year but then covid19 happened and now we have to re-prioritize it again :( So now the biggest priority for us is to save our job. I know its going to hit hard on the economy and I can't turn blind eye and imagine its never going to happen. In between my mom keeps urging to talk to guys whom I get request from matrimony site or either ping Vishal but I don't want to amid this wave of uncertainty. Both of which I am not going to do. Better than talking or chatting virtually I would instead hangout with my friends or talk to my family. Worried also about Ro, he works indirectly with airlines in Germany hope he is fine and also his job is secure. In US the layoffs are very common but in Germany I am not sure.

My priority is now is to focus on my job and study. And also force my sister to study computer science topics. As soon as everything will get stabilize will like to meet Ro atleast for last time. Might be I have never officially dated him but he was the indirect motivator in my life and for that I have to thank him. Buy house in US or India I think I can clear my house loan if I buy loan though it would be little stressful but that's my wishlist. Earlier I was thinking of first getting married and then prioritizing but now I have chucked off marriage from my list and now things are getting better I am able to think clear and plan things accordingly. I am not of the person who would leave things on destiny. I like to take things in my hand and plan accordingly.

Also I don't think US is doing good job in handling pandemic. One side is economy and other side is virus though US has money we are not managing it properly. So worst case might be I have to return back to India or die in covid19.

SO LIFE is TOO SHORT appreciate what time you actually have than cursing what you don't have.

I know as my sis says my wishlist would never be consistent would always be changing. But atleast I can make smaller achievable wishlist.

My WishList:

1. Buy & decorate house (swing is must)
2. Wear famous designer dress (Sabyasachi, Anita Dogra designed)
3. Visit Denmark.Germany.Fiji
4. Atleast fix some failures or do some enhancement in opensource "linux kernel" code kind of work with Linus Torvald
5. Open Chai & Book store kind of concept (no coffee & book) because I love tea than coffee
6. Meet muskaan..i am big time fan of her fanfics.
7 . I want to adopt a girl and name her Sia atleast till I reach 30. Might be because I really want to be mother more than a wife.

<to be continued>

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